Online Chat Transcripts

The early days of the internet and the height of online chat rooms saw wrestlers answer questions from fans in AOL and Priodigy Chat Rooms

Vince McMahon AOL Chat from 1998

Transcript of an interview with Vince McMahon from August 1998 where he sat down with AOL to answer fans questions

Vince McMahon AOL Chat from 1998 Part 2

Back in 1998 Vince McMahon sat down to answer questions from fans on AOL chat. After the first attempt, which featured a McMahon monologue. This chat, taking place on Thursday August 27th, sees McMahon answer fans questions.

Eric Bischoff Prodigy Chat From 1998

Eric Bischoff was in charge of WCW in the Monday Night Wars, here is answers fan questions regarding a range of topics from Brian Pullman untimely death, Wrestling dirt sheets and WCW talent contracts

Owen Hart AOL Chat From 1997

In the build up to Wrestlemania 13 in 1997, Owen Hart sat down to answer questions from fans on AOL online. Owen discusses his opinion on Vince McMahon and NWO, buries the Legion of Doom and discusses ever joining the Nation of Domination. Owen starts off in character but soon drops the heel persona and answers the questions openly.

Owen Hart AOL Chat From 1995

Back in December 1995 in the lead up to In Your House 5, Owen Hart sat down with AOL to answer fans questions regarding Chris Benoit and his tryout with WWF, his brother Bret, Sunny, who is closest friends are and if he ever sees himself leaving WWF

Brian Pillman AOL Chat June 1997

Back in 1997 Brian Pillman sat down to answer questions with fans on AOL Chat. They discussed the Monday Night War, The Hart Foundation, NWO, ECW and his injury.